The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to define the ethical boundaries and professional conduct of any therapist employed by or contracted to MYOMASTERS (MYOMASTERS).
All therapists are required to be current members of a recognised professional association that represents massage therapists and they will comply with the code of conduct of that association.
Ethical Principles
- MYOMASTERS therapists will conduct themselves ethically and professionally at all times.
- Professional services will be delivered for the benefit and wellbeing of clients.
- “Do no harm” will be upheld in all aspects of client treatment and care
- The autonomy, needs, values, culture and vulnerability of clients will be respected.
- Clients will be encouraged to make informed choices in relation to their healthcare, and support clients in their search for solutions for their wellness.
- Any treatment will be delivered within the limitations and the competence of the therapist.
- All clients are treated with respect.
Duty of Care
- The highest level of professional and ethical care shall be given to the client.
- The therapist will exercise utmost care to avoid unconscionable behaviour.
- The client has the right to receive treatment that is provided with skill, competence, diligence and care.
- In the exercise of care of the client, the therapist shall not misrepresent or misuse his/her skill, ability or qualification.
Professional Conduct
- All relevant State, Territory and Federal law and statutory requirements will be adhered to within the scope of MYOMASTERS
- Under no circumstances may another therapist use someone else’s membership number or tax invoice book for purposes of issuing a health fund rebate tax invoice.
- MYOMASTERS shall not provide false, misleading or incorrect information regarding health fund rebates, WorkCover, or any other documents.
- MYOMASTERS shall not denigrate other members of the healthcare profession.
- MYOMASTERS shall be responsible for the actions of all persons under their employ, whether under contract or not.
- MYOMASTERS shall not engage in activity, whether written or verbal, that will reflect improperly on the profession.
- MYOMASTERS therapists shall not be under the influence of any substance capable of impairing professional judgement
- The therapeutic goods and devices used by MYOMASTERS shall be in accordance with therapeutic goods law.
- The fee for service charged by MYOMASTERS shall be reasonable avoiding excess or exploitation.
Relationship Between Therapist & Client
- The therapist shall not discriminate on the basis of race, age, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference, political views, medical condition, socioeconomic status, culture, and marital status, physical or mental disability.
- The therapist must behave with courtesy, respect, dignity and discretion towards the client, at all times respecting the diversity of individuals and honouring the trust in the therapeutic relationship.
- The therapist shall assist the client to find another healthcare professional if required.
- Should a conflict of interest or bias arise, the therapist shall declare it to the client, whether the conflict or bias is actual or potential, financial or personal.
Professional Boundary
- The therapist will not enter into an intimate or sexual relationship with a client.
- The therapist will not engage in contact or gestures of a sexual nature to a client.
- Therapists will not touch or massage breast tissue, genitalia or anus of a client even at their request.
- Consent shall be gained prior to any treatment to the buttocks, pelvis and stomach.
- Any internal examination of a client, even with the consent of the client, is regarded as indecent assault which is a criminal offence.
- Any approaches of a sexual nature by a client shall be declined, they shall be escorted off f the premises and prohibited from any further treatment at MYOMASTERS. A note made in the client’s record and no further bookings will be accepted.
Personal Information & Confidentiality
- MYOMASTERS will abide by the requirements of State, Territory and Federal privacy and client record law.
- The therapist shall honour the information given by a client in the therapeutic relationship.
- MYOMASTERS shall ensure that there will be no wrongful disclosure, either directly or indirectly, of a client’s personal information.
- Client records must be securely stored, archived, passed on or disposed of in accordance with State, Territory and Federal client record law.
- Appropriate measures shall be in place to ensure that client information provided by facsimile, email, mobile telephone or other media shall be secure.
- The client has a right to be adequately informed as to their treatment plan and medicines, and access to their information as far as the law permits.