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Should I Buy Dad a Massage for Father’s Day?

Should I buy Dad a massage for fathers day

We’re in the lead up to Father’s Day where the stores are madly trying to convince you to buy aftershave, a new shaver, pyjamas, power tools, surf skis, barbecue sauce and chilli peppers all under the message of “give Dad exactly what he wants this Father’s Day.”  So should I buy Dad a massage for Father’s Day?

You might be thinking of buying him a massage gift voucher too.

Massage gift vouchers are awesome … when the recipient loves Massage. Vouchers are usually purchased by people who love our service to give a wonderful gift of health to the person they love.  Sadly 25% of gift vouchers we sell go Unredeemed and I feel awful for the giver thinking that their thoughtful gift is either forgotten or unwanted. Sometimes the purchaser will come in with the voucher to use themselves.

First of all … why we celebrate Father’s Day at all.  The first known (western) Father’s Day was held in the US in 1910 – the idea of Sonora Dodd.  Her Father, a widower, raised six children on his own.  It seems that the idea of a Father’s Day didn’t arrive in Australia until 1936.  And yes … there is commercial opportunity behind it.

A history of Father’s Day: From ties and tobacco to heartfelt family tributes

If you are feeling the obligation to buy a gift, I want to encourage you to think why you might be purchasing a gift in the first place and the true person whom you are buying for.  Then I want you to think about the Five Love Languages. If you haven’t read this book, I want to urge you to do so. In this book the author describes how we all desire to be loved in different ways and that there are five primary languages. Quality time, acts of service, giving gifts, words of affirmation and touch.

Often times as adults we have no real desire to receive a gift of jocks, ratchet and six pack of beer with a new barbecue tool. Unless those gifts are given from the heart and received by the heart.

There is no better gift than one given without expectation, with the right intention and one that speaks to its receiver.  Gifts do not need to be valuable … I truly believe that great gifts are those that are given from the heart.


For the man whose language is Quality Time.

Does your partner love spending time with you and the children? A thoughtful gift might be an amazing day out to a favourite place with a picnic, or a day trip, or doing an activity together that you all enjoy.

For the man whose language is Acts of Service.

Does he give his time and service freely and happily to you and others? Then prepare a meal together or complete a home project together. Is there a task that has been bugging him, too big or cumbersome? Why not arrange for someone else to do it?

For the man whose language is Gifts

Does he cherish the little things given to him by you or your children?  Has he had his eye on something for a long time but never committed to buying it for himself? Quirky and thoughtful (not expensive) gifts will mean the world. It might even something for an upcoming holiday or special event.

For the man whose language is Words of Affirmation

Is he the type of man that when you verbalise love or appreciation you can see his heart explode with love and pride? Why not put together a short video telling him about some of your favourite memories that he can play whenever he wants to – after all parenting is a thankless job and we  all need reminders that we’re doing a good job.

For the man whose language is Touch.

And maybe he cherishes cuddles from you and the kids. Maybe you could learn and take turns to massage his shoulders, hands, neck and hair.

While we love when wonderful humans buy gift vouchers for massage for anyone who is special in your life. We love it even more when that gift is wanted and appreciated.

So this Father’s Day, why not truly figure out exactly what Dad wants. Put some thought and heart in to it.

And if he truly wants a massage, give us a call. He’ll be in safe hands.

David Clayton is the Principal Remedial Therapist at Myomasters Massage located in Hope Valley in the north east of Adelaide.  He has a passion for supporting humans to live the lives they were to born to live using massage and soft tissue therapies.  He has a particular interest in assisting people to recover from stress, anxiety and trauma using compassionate and nurturing touch.